How much writing do you do as an adult content creator? If you’re new, its a lot more than you think.
Creative Writing in Content Creation
Half of being a content creator, and sometimes more than half, is creative writing skills. You have to be able to write well to communicate with your customer base. You have to be able to come up with sexy and enticing captions to grab attention. JOI videos and sexting also require some sexy creative writing. Believe it or not I am an incredibly shy person. I’m introverted AF and have a hard time coming up with sexy things to say. I sometimes come across as awkward and cringy when writing my captions and mass dms. So I end up agonizing over them for large portions of time. How do I fix this? I turn to Booktok and find some of the spiciest books being recommended. And then I read them in a day. It’s amazing the inspiration you can get from a well written romance novel. Or… something like Den of Vipers 🥵
Improving Wiring Skills
If you’re not a great or even good writer, don’t despair! There are ways to improve your writing. As someone who has enjoyed writing since I was a teenager, I still find a lot of value in taking writing courses as an adult. In fact, I’m currently enrolled in a writing class aimed at lawyers through Coursera. You can also find free writing classes on YouTube, low cast courses on Skillshare. Your local colleges and libraries may even have some classes you can delve into to help improve your skills Reading is also a great way to improve your writing. The professor of my writing class likes to say that “To write good sentences you need to read good sentences.” As an avid reader, I read a lot of good, bad and great sentences. And thousands of books over the course of my life has helped me become the writer I am. As I mentioned above, spicy books help me break down the walls and blocks I have over writing sexually explicit messages. Not all sentences are created equally and you may find that some writings are much much worse than others. Going back to Booktok, there are a few books I’ve read from there that have helped me improve my spicy writing by either giving me great ideas for writing… or how not to write at all. For example I found The Never King, et al of the Vicious Lost boys series to be … terrible. The writing was so bad. The kink was good but the writing was just so bad. However, Den of Vipers, though predictable AF was actually well written with good sentences, punctuation, etc.. These are just two titles in my library but there are many other examples. My point here being; as an adult content creator who will have to rely quite a bit on written communication, read the spice. The good, the bad… just read it. A lot of spicy books on kindle are cheap and only about 100-200 pages so can be finished in a couple of days. The ideas you can get for your writing from these works is worth the time it takes to read them.
Ha! I didnt mean for todays blog to turn into a “Read the Books!” Blog… but hey it works! K love you BYEEEEEE 💜 Sara Lyn Chacon, Unfiltrd Staff